
faces of pride and sorrow

The emotional contrast between Saturday and Sunday was striking. Saturday was the Capital Pride Parade–outrageous, outlandish and festive (very, very festive). The only discordance I heard on Saturday was in regards to the degree to which the parade has become commercialized and, I must concur that the “green” stripe in the rainbow flag seems to grow larger every year. The parade drew to a close, my gay friends partied and I went home for a more peaceful night. But then came the news from Orlando. 

Sunday afternoon was the Capital Pride Festival. I stayed home but texts from friends all discussed the tension from the undercurrent of sadness that could not be silenced by the blaring sounds of DJ’s and musicians; the discordance between festivity and bereavement; the conflict between the outrageousness experienced outside and outrage felt within.

On this particular day, pride was confronted head on by sorry. But, on this night, the discordance would ease and the ambivalence would lessen as a rally and a vigil provided the time, place and cohorts to give expression to both pride and sorrow at once.

(click any image to view in enlarged theatre mode)

Rainbow Tears

Rainbow Tears

Masks at the Capitol

Masked at the Capitol

Portrait of Pride and Sorrow

Portrait of Pride and Sorrow

Reflections of Capitol Pride and Sorrow

Reflections of Capital Pride and Sorrow





Remembering Together

Remembering Together

Stop the Killing

Stop the Killing

In the end, love is love is love.

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