fire and light

I love fire. Not so much for its consumptive or destructive nature (although that deserves fascination and respect), but more for its fluidity, its continuous reinvention of itself, its ever changing color and its ability to synthesize seemingly disparate qualities. It is formless form. And watching it — even while your brain screams “danger” — the flickering dance of its flames seduces you and draws you into it’s trance.

fire and light 6

fire and light 6

I love projection art. The motion of color being painted onto huge canvases of concrete and brick — all in real time and all in front of your eyes. It too is formless form. And despite knowing that is is merely  projected phantoms, you are nevertheless drawn toward the light.

Last October fire and light came together for a rare, magical performance during Art All Night. My newest featured gallery showcases some of the images I captured of Curioso Carnival dancing with both the fire they spun and the animated images lighting the wall behind them (created by artists from the Space Lab community).

fire and light 4

fire and light 4

Click either image to go to the full gallery of fire and light. These images are intended to be viewed full-screen, so please click the little square on the bottom right of the image to enlarge them.

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