falling blossoms

Each spring, swarms of people pack the narrow path at Washington’s Tidal Basin to experience the delicate Japanese Cherry Blossom Trees during the brief few days when they are in peak bloom. But there is an even more magical period just after the peak when the trees let loose of their petals and create a world of enchantment. Every year when the last snows melt and the air begins to warm, I hear this siren’s call and begin to plan my chase and her (photographic) capture. But she is an elusive temptress that may (or may not) yield a glimpse of her beauty before rapidly melting in the rain or vanishing with the wind, leaving ones outstretched hands with nothing more than a petal or two. So it was this year… the beauty of her blossoms filling me with hope, but gone just hours before a long-planned shoot. This year, however, she did give me one short dance as she embraced me in her falling blossoms.

fallen blossoms

fallen blossoms

with outstretched arms

with outstretched arms

delicate endings and new beginning

delicate endings and new beginnings

into the wood


All photographs in this piece were captured and edited on an iPhone 6.

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