Monthly Archives: January 2017

looking back at 2016: golden moments


Morning Nap 3

Despite all the problems with 2016, it brought us our favorite east European import and now model-in-residence, Imi. Here are a few faves of her and a couple of her Golden puppy friends.

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looking back at 2016: dogs

Anyone following these recaps might rightfully be wondering, “Where are the dogs?” After all, they fill so much of both my professional and personal portfolios. Here are 5 of my favorites from 2016 to whet your appetite (add them to the three in the Winter recaps and a few yet to come!).
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looking back at 2016: the art of dance

Classical Repertoire Dance Ensemble #7

In 2016 I began experimenting with art methods of processing and finishing images, in addition to more customary photographic finishes. Looking back, I note that I tended to experiment with art finishes processes on photographs of dance and flow performances more than anything else. Here are a few of my favorite examples. Continue reading