Author Archives: jeffreymorris

introducing alyssa

Alyssa 6

Meet Alyssa, our guest model-in-residence and foster puppy. Like Imi, Alyssa was rescued in Istanbul Turkey and traveled to the US this past Sunday with brother Aiden and sister Alice, all 5-month-old Golden Retriever puppies. Although Aiden has already been adopted, Alyssa and Alice just started their search for loving forever families. Learn more about adopting Alyssa or another beautiful Turkey Golden at Kyra’s Legacy Rescue and read about the Turkey Golden rescue program.

Click on any photo to view all 10 images of Alyssa’s first shoot.

Alyssa 1

happy with a new toy

Alyssa with Imi 3

with permanent model-in-residence (and foster sister), Imi

photo of the moment – lifting you up

Saturday was Art All Night DC—my fifth AAN and my third year as coordinator of photography. Look for new blog posts about Art All Night coming in the next several days.

Lifting You Up

Hula dancing with projections at Art All Night DC 2016, H Street

dog swim

After America celebrates labor day and the kids are back in school, after the last boiiing of a spring board launching a teen diver, after the last squeals of a toddler joyfully splashing water, and after the last lap has been swum and all the pools shuttered for the year, the DC Department of Parks and Recreation re-opens its Community Pools for one more day… to dogs.

Dog Swim 1

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morning nap

Morning Nap 1

morning nap 1

Yes, model-in-residence Imi is still in training, but should sleeping through a shoot ever be tolerated?

Morning Nap 2

morning nap 2

Morning Nap 3

morning nap 3


gold dogs (in black and white)

gold dog 5

Model-in-residence Imi met Yogi and fell in love (click to view full gallery

gold dog 1

Imi appears to have had a litter once and this 9-week-old fluff-ball brought out all her maternal instincts (click to view full gallery)

gold dog 2

Click any image above to see the full gallery of Gold Dogs.

photo of the moment: gazelle rediscovered

Every now and then you rediscover a capture that, for one reason or another, you chose not to finish or use. This is one such image.

photo of the moment: Django reviews coffee

Django Reviews Coffee

Django, the Capuchin monkey, reviews coffee from a well-known chain. Rating: full tongue out (and who would know cappuccino better than a Capuchin?).