Click the image below for 25 images of IlluminAsia at the Smithsonian’s Freer and Sackler Galleries.
Category Archives: event
here to stay
I have intentionally refrained from photographing political protests and rallies for the last few months in part to attend to commissioned bookings, in part to save decreasing spare time for art photography projects and, to be honest, in part because I became burned out on photographs of the signs and crowds of the daily protests in Washington which have became so plentiful as to be difficult to tell images of one rally from another. But today was different. Today hit close to home and close to my heart. Today I felt compelled to go to the White House to support the Dreamers, many of whom know no home other then the US, most of whom contribute far more to our economy and culture than they take, and a few of whom I know and love. Today I felt compelled to contribute to the body of documentation of the hundreds that came to demonstrate in front of the White House and the thousands that rallied across the country, all to declare that our Dreamers are #heretostay. Continue reading
watching the eclipse watchers
Here’s the thing about the eclipse: everyone photographed it. All of my photographer friends pulled out their strongest neutral density filters, motorized/GPS auto-tracking tripod heads (if they had one) and an extra-long telephoto lens to get the same three or four shots that every other photographer was getting, at better or lesser quality. I even have one photographer friend who was shooting for NASA (and captured stunning images). Not being an astro photographer and not having gear more attuned to close-up portraits, I was not going to contribute anything to all of the shots of the eclipse, itself. Continue reading
Crystal City on Fire
Friday evening brought the opening of Artomatic 2017 to Crystal City in Arlington, and with it another fire spinning performance… and you know I cannot resist fire. Continue reading
the face of feminism
On January 21, I went to the Women’s March on Washington to support and defend the equal rights of women, and to photograph the event as part of a photo-documentary book project, UnPresidented: The Inauguration of Donald Trump and the People’s Response. Continue reading
looking back at 2016: fire
2016 was a fire storm that blazed out of control leaving a fair amount of scorched earth and shocked minds. It is only appropriate that we leave the year with some favorite photos of fire–beautiful, mesmerizing and fortunately completely under the control of some talented fire spinners, breathers and eaters. Continue reading
looking back at 2016: events
A few of my favorite photographs of events I shot in 2016. Continue reading