A solar eclipse is interesting but, if you’re a kid, sprinklers are more fun. (Photographed during the 2017 solar eclipse at the National Mall, Washington DC.)
Category Archives: people
watching the eclipse watchers
Here’s the thing about the eclipse: everyone photographed it. All of my photographer friends pulled out their strongest neutral density filters, motorized/GPS auto-tracking tripod heads (if they had one) and an extra-long telephoto lens to get the same three or four shots that every other photographer was getting, at better or lesser quality. I even have one photographer friend who was shooting for NASA (and captured stunning images). Not being an astro photographer and not having gear more attuned to close-up portraits, I was not going to contribute anything to all of the shots of the eclipse, itself. Continue reading
skating by the sea
Whenever work or play allows me to spend some time at my “west coast office”, I always make sure to shoot at the Venice Beach Skate Park–renowned for it’s beautiful design that ties in with the spectacular surrounding, as well as for the high level of skating by skaters of all ages. Here is a sample of the images I captured on a recent visit (click any image to open the full series in high resolution). Continue reading
liberty cries
Late Friday the President of the United States issued an executive order temporarily banning U.S. entry from seven predominately Muslim countries, temporarily suspending nearly all refugee programs and closing the doors to all Syrian refugees indefinitely. The ban is without consideration of an individual’s visa or residence status, and disregards how far along an 18-24 month vetting process a refugee family has already been subjected. Rather, the President has sent his message directly to an entire group of people and indirectly, most believe, to an entire religion. The answer from the U.S. President is no. Continue reading
the face of feminism
On January 21, I went to the Women’s March on Washington to support and defend the equal rights of women, and to photograph the event as part of a photo-documentary book project, UnPresidented: The Inauguration of Donald Trump and the People’s Response. Continue reading
photo of the moment: on a foggy morning
photo of the moment: time to go
photo of the moment: singing near the monument
I had the opportunity recently to photograph an event for the House of Ruth, a DC charity that does exemplary work helping children, women and families out of homelessness and the cycle of abuse.