I recently began shooting for Urban Family, an online magazine and blog published by UrbanSitter. The first article featuring my photos of the owner of Lil Omm Yoga Studio and her family came out this week. Check it out.
Category Archives: miscellaneous
a website enhanced
Things have been developing in the virtual darkroom at jeffreymorrisphotography.com. If I did my job right, you may not notice the changes at first—you may even be underwhelmed (a seamless transition was my goal). But upon further examination you may begin to notice the many enhancements to the public website and new features that provide clients a coordinated, streamlined process to review and select their images. Let’s take a closer look. Continue reading
on holiday promotions (and why I offer none)
I am not religious in any way. But I am also not without faith. I have a very deep faith, just not in a divinity. Rather, my faith lies in the staggering wonders of the universe, and I don’t feel any need for explanations of those that currently defy explanation. My faith lies in the farther reaches and the better nature of my fellow humans. My faith lies in the sparkle of a child’s eye that reminds us all that anything is possible. And my faith lies in the everyday miracles of love, hope and kindness—little blessings that when bestowed on each other, can make all the difference.
Regrettably, in the hustle of daily life, we often forget these little miracles. Even though I do not believe in some of the core beliefs of my religious friends, I have a deep admiration for those among them whose faith reminds them to offer these small blessings to others as freely and often as possible. But, being human in a hectic world, even they sometimes forget or are unable to live up to this ideal. And so we set aside a few precious days each year as a time of giving. A few precious days to hope or pray (and possibly act) for peace. A few precious days to offer kindnesses to those who are less fortunate than are we. To me, this is the Christmas spirit. And it is why I love this time of year. Continue reading
new prints
I just finished the first three prints from the Form and Light series. These images, along with other human figure studies, are now available as high quality prints in the human figure collection.