Tag Archives: DC

photo of the moment – The Untold Benefits of a Flight Delay

At times, if you keep your eyes open for it, what first seems like misfortune may reveal its rewards.

The Untold Benefits of a Flight Delay

Above Ft. Washington, MD on approach to Washington DC National Airport

This photo was captured on initial descent to Washington DC’s National Airport, after more than an hour delay. If the flight had not been delayed, we would have landed long before sunset and the view would have been just an ordinary riverscape through a crud-covered, scratched and hazy plastic airplane window–I would have never pulled out my iPhone for it. I still got to Washington in time for an event, plus I got this beautiful image. I may never say these words together again, but “Thank you hydraulic malfunction!”

Captured on an iPhone 6, the original shot needed a fair amount of correction to reduce the window crud and haze (and to crop out the airplane wing). This version was edited in Lightroom CC on my Macbook.

side yards

Carnival sideshows can be fascinating, comical, risqué, and thrilling. Carnival sideshows can also be icky, gross or slightly twisted. The second annual Side Yards sideshow extravaganza included a little bit of it all. (Click any image to enlarge and scroll through the show.)

The Juggler 1

The Juggler 

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Día de los Muertos

Half Dead

Half Dead – click any image to view the full set

Historically, the Washington neighborhood of Mount Pleasant has been predominately Hispanic with a significant number of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans. As such, it only makes sense that it hosts a festival on Día de los Muertos, the day when families in south and central Mexico gather to pay tribute to dead loved ones and to offer spiritual assistance on their journey. Today, however, Mount Pleasant is a neighborhood in transition with residents of multiple ethnic and economic classes. While the Mexican tradition of Día de los Muertos is still prominent, the current festival in Mount Pleasant is influenced by the variety of backgrounds clearly visible in the faces of those attending. Continue reading

lionz of zion

Pro Breaking Tonight

The Lionz of Zion crew celebrated their 19th anniversary with the UDEF Probreaking Tour at the Wonder Bread Factory in the Shaw neighborhood of Washington, DC.  Click any image to see the full set of 18 photosContinue reading

photo of the moment: waiting in the wings

Waiting in the Wings

waiting in the wings

Vaudoux Aerial Dance Theatre at Art All Night: Nuit Blanche DC

three minutes of enchantment (six magical images)

Pulling Air

Pulling Air

I saw her for just three minutes. I turned to get a glance at the origin of the ooos, applause and laughter of a small group that had gathered at the side of the road. I had no intention of going there, and was definitely not planning to photograph such a small side show. But those plans changed when I saw children giggling excitedly with mouths agape, and parents who could not hide the joy that their smiles, as broad as those of their kids, revealed to anyone watching. I was drawn to it—kissed by a small dose of magic sent in a fantastical bubble that she blew my way.  I saw her for just three minutes, but it was three minutes of all encompassing delight. Three minutes during which the the hard realities of pavement and brick gave way to an etherial fantasy of golden light refracted and reflected off transparent floating orbs of hope and joy. And though it proved to be as fleeting as the fairy that conjured it, it was three minutes of pure enchantment. Continue reading

water colors (7 images)

What happens when you paint on top of vibrant projections during a light but steady rain? Water colors.

Water Colors

Water Colors

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