Tag Archives: music

It’s Getting Funky In Here

Joe Keyes and the Late Bloomer Band

Joe Keyes and the Late Bloomer Band

Most people think of Spring in DC as Cherry Blossom season, but around the U Street Corridor and Shaw neighborhoods we know it as Funk Season. On May 6th the sounds and spirit of funk will again rock DC at the fourth annual Funk Parade and music festival. Before that there are funds to raise, volunteers to recruit, permits to be obtained, acts to sign, and hype to hype–all the groundwork that goes into pulling off a day and night that draws tens of thousands of people to experience a few dozen acts at multiple clubs and outdoor venues. But first, before the work and before the festival, we party.

This past Friday the DC Department of Funk sponsored the Funk Parade Kickoff Jam at Tropicalia, one of U Street’s basement music clubs. I was there to get into the groove and to photograph all of the bands and dancers.  Continue reading

photo of the moment: singing near the monument

I had the opportunity recently to photograph an event for the House of Ruth, a DC charity that does exemplary work helping children, women and families out of homelessness and the cycle of abuse.

funk parade 2016

Hung Tao Choy Mei Lucky Lions

Hung Tao Choy Mei Lucky Lions bring the Chinese dragon to the parade

For the third year running, I was proud to serve as the photography/videography coordinator for DC’s annual Funk Parade – “a one-of-a-kind day fair, parade and music festival, celebrating Washington DC’s vibrant music and arts, the U Street neighborhood, and the Spirit of Funk that brings us all together.” Continue reading

photographing a dream

The experience was surreal even before I got to the location. Late… very late… wiping off rain drops to get the response from my phone that might summon an Uber… struggling to communicate the right pickup location to a driver possessing little command of either English or DC navigation… seeing the refracted display of time slipping by through rain-streaked glasses. Then she appeared around the corner, floating above traffic toward the intersection where I just arrived. I exited my Uber chariot to begin the next leg of a surreal trip into her dream.

Dream Trip 1

dream trip 1 – click any image to view the full gallery

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photo of the moment: art all night -1

Music, Dance, Art

Music, Dance, and Art Projections at Art All Night DC 2013, Shaw Main Streets

The sounds, the lights, the art. Art All Night DC is just one night away. Follow on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date.

faces in the crowd – black cat edition

At times a story is best told not by the players on the stage, but by a face or two in the crowd.

Photographed on 15 May 2015 at the Black Cat, Washington DC

View more faces in the crowd.
View more of my photos from the Black Cat.


yo no say (9 images)

From Baltimore to 14th Street DC, Yo No Say got things started at the Black Cat with its eclectic blend of rock styles. Click below to see the full set of images while listening to their grooves (scroll down to fire up the sounds).

click to view the full set of images

click to view the full set of images

Get Lost by Yo no Say:

Photographed on 15 May 2015 at the Black Cat, Washington DC.

Listen to Yo No Say on BandCamp and follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

View more of my photos from the Black Cat.