Tag Archives: park

dogs of spring

Willow, the Havanese puppy

Willow, the Havanese puppy

It has been an especially dreary May in DC. With more consecutive rainy days than ever previously recorded, and the few dry days being grey and dreary, it has been the type of May you’d expect more in Washington the State than in Washington the District of Columbia . So, when the sun finally came out, I grabbed our model-in-residence and a camera and raced to the dog park for an impromptu late afternoon/golden hour shoot. (Of course, I wound up shooting all the other dogs too!)  Continue reading

snowday in the park

After a blizzard you dig out and then you play. Here are a few shots I took walking through the always entertaining Malcolm X Meridian Hill Park in Washington, DC.

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play with love

Sometimes you just need a break from the stresses of work, family and even social life. WithLoveDC saw the need, and began sponsoring Recess for Grownups at Dupont Circle. I was able to capture some of the fun last Wednesday. #PlayWithLove

double dutch (10 images)

Adult recess at Dupont Circle, Washington DC – 15 July 2015. Jumping rope with #PlayWithLove.


I love photographing children in a natural environment where I can capture them just being children (more on that coming soon). And when my subject is a beautiful 2-year-old with amazing parents and a few extended family members to add some spice… and when the scheduled session is greeted by a spectacular, golden morning… this is a photographer’s playpen (at least for those of us who have fun with photographing kids).  Last month I had exactly this good fortune when I photographed Sarah.

sunday in the park

Every Sunday, Malcolm X Meridian Hill Park in Washington, DC explodes into a cacophony of sights and sounds as drummers, dancers, acrobats, would-be tight-wire walkers, hula-hoopers, hackey sackers, frisbee throwers, runners, strollers, and onlookers of all ages, sizes, shapes and colors fill the park with the sounds, movements, customs and languages of a virtual United Nations of peoples and cultures. Here are a small handful of images shot on an ordinary Sunday afternoon in this park that is anything but ordinary. (And, you know, click an image to fully appreciate it in large format theater mode.)