Sunday was Doggie Swim Day in DC — the day shortly after the last human swim and just before the the water is drained for winter, when the DC Department of Parks and Recreation opens all of its public pools to the dogs. Continue reading
Tag Archives: play
sprinklers are more fun
A solar eclipse is interesting but, if you’re a kid, sprinklers are more fun. (Photographed during the 2017 solar eclipse at the National Mall, Washington DC.)
dog swim
After America celebrates labor day and the kids are back in school, after the last boiiing of a spring board launching a teen diver, after the last squeals of a toddler joyfully splashing water, and after the last lap has been swum and all the pools shuttered for the year, the DC Department of Parks and Recreation re-opens its Community Pools for one more day… to dogs.
snow dogs – 2016
snowday in the park
After a blizzard you dig out and then you play. Here are a few shots I took walking through the always entertaining Malcolm X Meridian Hill Park in Washington, DC.
they shoot doggies, don’t they – 2016
photo of the moment: bubble bliss
play with love
Sometimes you just need a break from the stresses of work, family and even social life. WithLoveDC saw the need, and began sponsoring Recess for Grownups at Dupont Circle. I was able to capture some of the fun last Wednesday. #PlayWithLove